Mar, 11 , 20by Monica Bodirsky The Shadowland Tarotby Monica Bodirsky Last week in Part 1, I spoke about my own experiences with shadows, and as we move from winter to spring in...
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by Monica Bodirsky The Shadowland Tarotby Monica Bodirsky Last week in Part 1, I spoke about my own experiences with shadows, and as we move from winter to spring in...
The Shadowland Tarot –Part One by Monica Bodirsky The first memory I have of seeing a shadow was an hour southeast of Detroit in Point Pelee National Park, Canada. I...
by Guest Author Donna DeNomme Highest praise for Donna DeNomme: “One of the hardest things for many people to do is feel what is uncomfortable to feel. Burying our feelings...
by Paula Chaffee Scardamalia I’m currently about a third of the way into my current work-in-progress, a contemporary fantasy romance inspired by figures from Greek mythology, particularly the Muses. As...
The ABCs of TRUE LOVE by Amy Zerner & Monte Farber, authors of The Enchanted Love Tarot: The Lover’s Guide to Dating, Mating, and Relating and The Creativity Oracle: Visions of Enchantment to Guide...
…to Honor our Love Relationships The Enchanted Love Tarot: The Lover’s Guide to Dating, Mating, and Relatingby Amy Zerner & Monte Farber Whether you love the idea of celebrating Valentine’s...
by Liz Barallon Our Guest Author today is Liz Barallon, a life coach and energy healer who holistically helps her clients focus on the energetic output of their emotions in...
by Emily Kisvarda, author of Sacred Geometry Healing Cards Sacred Geometry Healing Cardsby Emily Kisvarda Do you ever walk around questioning your reality and wonder how our world, our universe came...