Discover how NASA, the Smithsonian, and the aerospace community helped craft, legitimize, and popularize the beloved television show Star Trek. Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry sought to create a work of science fiction that would immerse viewers not only through clever...
In Dio: The Unholy Scriptures, embark on an electrifying journey through the tumultuous yet triumphant saga of one of heavy metal’s most legendary bands: Dio. Told through gripping anecdotes and candid interviews conducted with the author over the decades, Dio: The Unholy...
From the earliest Poverty Row movies to the films of the 1970s, the story of the genre in 800 eye-popping posters Dive into the captivating realm of classic crime and mystery movies with The Art of Classic Crime and Mystery Movies. This...
For the first time, the Band's legendary Richard Manuel’s compositions and performances are analyzed with expert commentary while shining a light on his contributions to all of his bands—and on the undeniable impact he had on rock music. Richard Manuel...
The true story of Maud Wagner—contortionist, aerial artist, carnival performer and barker, wife, and mother—who defied Victorian-era conventions to blaze her own trail. Maud Stevens Wagner, the "Mona Lisa of American tattoo," was an ardent individualist who left home at...
Embark on a thrilling journey through the superlative recorded canon of one of the world’s most legendary heavy metal bands. Music journalist Martin Popoff provides an intimate and scholarly look into the life and times of Iron Maiden. From their...
Embark on a thrilling journey through the superlative recorded canon of one of the world’s most legendary heavy metal bands. Music journalist Martin Popoff provides an intimate and scholarly look into the life and times of Iron Maiden. From their...
An authoritative compendium on sword swallowing, featuring historical biographies, expert insights, rare photos, and behind-the-scenes stories from modern sword swallowers. To the Hilt offers a riveting exploration into the mysterious and dangerous world of sword swallowing, charting its history from...
This visual bonanza shines the spotlight on 750 striking advertising posters for the musicals and plays of Broadway’s golden age and shares untold behind-the-scenes stories Fans of the theatre will be thrilled to discover the original posters for hundreds of...
A loving ode to films with post-apocalyptic themes, this updated edition now features more than 1,200 movie reviews, plus more than 600 images and dozens of interviews with filmmakers and actors. From asteroids to zombies, the film and television industry...
This illustrated and deeply researched biography uncovers the captivating life, groundbreaking work, and enduring legacy of John Willie, the celebrated mid-20th-century fetish artist, publisher, and sexual pioneer. With his iconic art and the groundbreaking content of his Bizarre magazine, John...
A bakin' bible for potheads who'd rather eat their weed than smoke it. Serves up 35 easy-to-make, craving-busting recipes packed with every stoner’s favorite secret ingredient. Guaranteed to produce cannabilicious results every time, all the recipes in Baked! have been...
A highly illustrated, irreverent guide to rolling joints of all sizes and shapes. Bored with the same old joint? Next time 4:20 rolls around, put a new twist on your spliff with this guide to making 35 origami-inspired, conversation-piece j’s....
This is the definitive, fully illustrated account of the Beatles' concerts and controversies, and of how the United States dominated their lives in so many ways. Written by one of the acknowledged experts on the Fab Four, Liverpool’s own Spencer...
Acknowledging the iconic, but with plenty of room for the rare and unfamiliar, The Art of the Classic Western Movie Poster presents poster art created for several hundred classic (and not-so-classic) westerns produced from 1903 to 1978. More than 800 images—many reproduced as full...
An all-access account of the Who's 1968 and 1976 appearances at the Winterland arena in San Francisco In February 1968 and March 1976, the Who performed shows in the same venue, almost ten years apart: San Francisco’s Winterland. Generally considered as...
The vintage heyday of American pinups is presented here in full view, with a modern flare and that unique Alvarado touch. Military-uniform- and gear-clad models featured with classic combat aircraft—from the WWII P-51 Mustang and Spitfire to the Vietnam-era F-4 Phantom...
A visual history of the life of Augustus “Gus” Wagner and his work as a hand tattoo artist, exploring a relatively unknown area of American art history from the 1890s to the 1930s. In 1897, Gus Wagner embarked on a four-year...
The definitive illustrated companion to the Who's legendary Tommy album. Foreword by Pete Townshend This updated and expanded edition of Tommy at Fifty is the definitive illustrated companion to the album that made the Who one of the greatest and most influential...
A raw collection of photos and stories spotlighting the artistic process and dangerous adventures of a Chicago graffiti artist as he creates unsponsored works of art around the world More than 350 photographs combine with previously untold firsthand stories to...
The incredible backstories, cosmic coincidences, and colorful characters who loved, supported, exploited, and cheated the Beatles The Beatles: Fab but True examines 16 discrete stories about the Beatles that range from the merely unreal to the cosmically coincidental. Unlike the countless other...
Over 400 of the finest examples of metal poster and cover art, spanning the entire 50-year history of metal, and how that art has helped define the genre Without the larger-than-life character and imagination of the art that complements it,...
Cream, the immensely influential British rock power trio of the 1960s, comprising guitarist Eric Clapton, bassist Jack Bruce, and drummer Ginger Baker, forged an extraordinary partnership with the vibrant city of San Francisco, California. This legendary collaboration unfolded at the...
This fun and photo-filled biography celebrates the life, films, and fans of the director responsible for such indie cult classics as Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Movie-industry veteran David Gati has compiled and edited...