A well-researched and written presentation of paranormal and psychically related research, events, and historical accounts by an established author and professor. Belief in unusual events and phenomena not fitting the way we expect our everyday world to work have been...
Explore the haunted and sometimes dark, odd history of Chester County, Pennsylvania, to uncover some of the gems that most people are unaware of. The hidden chronicles of Chester County are right underfoot or across the road every day, and much...
Explore three of the most haunted cities in Arizona—Old Bisbee, Tombstone, and Tucson—along with Renee Harper, celebrated owner and investigator for Old Bisbee Ghost Tour. This new edition explores 47 stories (three new ones) involving the folklore, history, and paranormal...
A series of paranormal investigations that unravel St. Augustine, Florida's ghostly mysteries and chilling truths with historical accuracy, real interviews, and exclusive insights. Written by a seasoned paranormal investigator, St. Augustine’s Afterlife meticulously separates fact from fiction when it comes to...
32 unusual and fascinating extraterrestrial encounters that explores the places and portals between our world and theirs, with illustrated maps for each location (Book 2 of the bestselling Atlas series) Where is the best place to meet kind and peaceful aliens? How...
A New Kind of Travelogue Take an unusual, sometimes spooky, but always fun trip through the Golden State with this little travel companion—perfect for toting on an impromptu road trip or long-planned vacation. Visit the haunted Star of India and...
True-life spine-chilling encounters with disembodied voices throughout history and in the present day. THEY KNOW YOUR NAME! Voices are calling us—voices without an attached form. Encounters with these disembodied voices warn us, haunt us, confuse us, inspire us, and scare...
Frightening tales of alien abductions and humanity being controlled by forces unknown.Foreword by Kathleen Marden, UFO investigator and niece of Betty and Barney Hill, the first recorded abducteesImagine getting into your car and driving to a place you know. But...
Aliens are here with us, so now it’s time to have more of your questions answered through Barry Strohm and his spirit board connections that dwell outside of our sphere of existence. In this follow-up to Aliens among Us: Exploring...
Join paranormal investigator Jack Kenna from Paranormal Survivor and Haunted Case Files as he provides the steps necessary to build and grow a successful paranormal team and to research and investigate haunted locales. Find out how to find and work...
In a profession dominated by logic, law, evidence, and science, are there some things you can't explain? Join a veteran crime scene investigator exploring 26 chilling experiences spanning two decades. His true stories will leave you wondering if it is...
Over 10 important UFO sightings across the world, including Roswell, Rendelsham, and more.There are specific UFO cases for which everyone should have a basic knowledge. Over 10 of these most important sightings and topics, occurring since 1945, model history with...
UFO research in the twentieth century was a daunting enterprise, fraught with misidentifications, blurry photos, and fraud. Now, with millions of drones in our skies and superb computer graphics, the twenty-first century threatens to overwhelm ufology with insurmountable trickery and...
UFO encounters in Colorado from the early 1900s through contemporary times—Includes onboard UFO experiences, landings, humanoids, crashes, and mutilations. Colorado has been a UFO hotspot for more than 100 years. This is the first book to present a comprehensive history...
He is every nightmare you've ever had and every fright made flesh. He is the most feared villain in the history of the world, haunting us past childhood, lingering in the background of the darkest recesses of our souls. Now—for...
Journey through the paranormal from prehistory to the planets and our future, with over 50 bizarre cases of ghosts, poltergeists, demons, cryptids, UFOs, and other out-of-the-ordinary phenomena. Based on CBS and WOON 1240 radio scripts broadcast by a world-famous father-and-son...
Through ten haunting stories, Skeleton Keys examines the true firsthand accounts of individuals facing the paranormal where they work. Read about happenings in a brewery where witnesses experience shattering glasses, a Lady in White, and ghostly singing. Learn about Realtors®...
This collection of carefully curated lists, articles, and interviews celebrates the beleaguered horror genre across different media while tracing the history of its acceptance into popular culture. Divided into four sections—Film, Television, Literature & Comic Books, and Music—this book groups...
Over 70 Ufology topics across the US are explored, including abductions, chases, mysteries, government involvement, and more, from award-winning reporting and field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), Joseph Flammer. In this collection of terrifying possibilities, follow a New...
If you had the opportunity to ask an extraterrestrial questions, what would they be? What mysteries would you like to see declassified? Learn the true history of the Earth, from an alien's perspective, as author and channeler Barry Strohm communicates...
Join two ufology researchers as they stare into the cold, black eyes of alien visitors—those little Gray bastards who are omnipresent in our daily lives. Watch the skies! Grays secretly reveal their outrageous spacecraft to selected, awestruck witnesses. Watch your...
A comprehensive perspective of evidence and future directions associated with the UFO phenomenon—Includes review and analysis of studies, evidence, theories, and research needs involving UFO topics. Should you believe in UFOs? If you question why the subject of UFOs should...
Journey to 31 dark, scary, and infinitely unsettling places that are soaked with blood, death, and the horror of unspeakable tragedy. Revel in the horror of The Villisca Ax Murder House, Lemp Mansion, Borley Rectory, and Fox Hollow Farm. Shed...
Aliens are among us already and their activities have increased enormously with the arrival of the new millennium. Journey with the author as he examines human/extraterrestrial interaction from ancient times to the present. Sightings, contact, and abduction cases are all...