RedFeather Kids
This richly illustrated, rhyming ABC book, a sequel to Wee Witches, explores Witchcraft through boys' experiences Explore a magical world where Witchcraft welcomes all. This rhyming ABC book celebrates the beauty of both the Goddess and God energies while following the...
Discover Tarot like you would a new language! Tarot is the art of divination that uses cards to speak to us. Tarot is the art of reading a story laid out in cards. It is not spelled out in black...
Friends forever in work or play, four tiny elemental witches—Fiona, Gale, Marrie, and Blaze—help the Earth thrive using their own special powers for nurturing the planet. But when disaster strikes, they must come together to protect the Earth, helping to...
A is for Artemis, B is for Brigid, and C is for Crow Mother! Goddesses have been part of our history for thousands of years, and they continue to guide and inspire people today. They are beings of great power,...
Rupert the rabbit learns about Nature's elements—Air, Fire, Water, and Earth—and their connection to courage, acceptance, compassion, and helping others, through 4 engaging stories. In these four adventure stories, Rupert the rabbit learns how courage, acceptance, compassion, and helping others are connected...
Rupert learns more in this second book about making magick, including the meaning of symbols, some that are familiar and some that are new to him. Rupert meets Grandmother Spinner, a very wise spider who helps him to understand why...
Coloring pages, puzzles, and games follow lovable Rupert the rabbit and all his friends as they learn about the 8 seasonal holidays of the Wheel of the Year. Enjoy hours of imaginative fun with animals, fairies, and children who join...
Come along with Rupert the rabbit as he again travels through the Wheel of the Year. In this second book of adventures, he learns about tolerance, respect, and acceptance, and discovers how people celebrate seasonal holidays in the forest where...
A groundbreaking story that collects, commemorates, and illuminates traditional, sacred Pagan practices and beliefs in a fresh, contemporary, and whimsical style. Join Rupert the rabbit on his adventures as he sets out to discover how and why people leave their...
2 Rupert's Tales adventures in which children learn about magick along with this furry friend. Follow the adventures of Rupert the rabbit as he learns that intentions and imagination are two of the most important ingredients in all things magickal. In “Tools...
Four Rupert the rabbit bedtime stories that address falling asleep, dreaming, sending bad dreams away, and protecting dreamers With this enchanting collection of four rhyming bedtime stories, children will be encouraged to discover new ways of exploring and directing dreamtime that...
Rupert the rabbit is curious, furry, brown, and helpful, and it seems his lessons never end! With the help of human, animal, and fairy friends, he learns about reducing, reusing, and recycling, and how each of us has an important...
Papa Balloon is the story of a unique, mysterious figure who magically appears in a land where the people have become divided and are in need of greater understanding and empathy for each other. Traveling through each of the four...
This ABC primer is a playful and richly symbolic introduction to the world of Wicca and the magic of Nature. Illustrated poems bring to light the Pagan Path, with each letter featuring a Wee Witch learning about the wheel of...
If you could give just one gift to your child for their lifetime, what would you choose? Wealth? Success? Long life? Once Wisdom makes her home in a child’s heart, she brings all these gifts, and more. Wisdom for Wee...