Legend has it that the forest of the world are inhabited by elusive creatures known as "Wood Spirits." Tom Wolfe finds them everywhere and brings them to life in this delightful new instructional book. Using found wood such as driftwood,...
Donna Hefty’s folk carved nativity is so special it will delight the collector and be a real treasure to hand down from generation to generation. Adults and children alike will find it charming. Donna makes carving approachable and simple for...
This book is the perfect start for anyone interested in learning how to carve detailed faces. Mary Finn uses her “practice stick” method to show you how to carve each feature - eyes, nose, closed mouth, open mouth - with...
Scenic relief carving is the art of bringing life and depth to a carving that is essentially two dimensional. In the traditional carving of Germany this is an exquisite and beautiful technique, and now Georg Keilhofer, a master woodcarver, shares...
Leprechauns are some of the folk-lore creatures that have always fascinated the author. He claims that he once caught one, just long enough to sketch him for a carving. Now Al Streetman shares 25 of his leprechaun patterns with other...
In his long and creative career as a woodcarver, Tom Wolfe has created literally thousands of patterns. Many of them have appeared in his previous books, but many more have not. Now Tom's creative energy and talent is available in...
Tall tales, local legends, and personal ruminations are transformed into folk figures by Frank Russell. Follow his detailed instructions with photographs and project plans to create nine delightful folk figures in wood. Accompanying the stories and projects are comprehensive instructions...
The patterns of the Southwest have delighted tourists and art lovers for hundreds of years. In this new book by Pam Gresham they are incorporated into the art of chip carving, a marriage that works beautifully! Pam gives the carver...
Very few carvers can carve animals and people with the same skill. Fewer still can convincingly carve realistic figures and caricatures. Tom Wolfe is one of them. Following his book on carving realistic horses, he now he brings the same...
How to use your burning and texturing tools to achieve brilliant results. Crisp step-by-step photographs and instructions will enable the beginner to detail carvings with a minimum of difficulty and magnificent results. It will give the expert blue ribbon ideas...
Songbird Carving is a unique book that can be appreciated on two levels: first, as a step-by-step set of instructions, with exquisite photographs and hand-drawn illustrations covering techniques of carving, texturing, painting and mounting of five songbird projects; second, as...
Tom Wolfe goes back to basics. With easy to follow, step-by-step instructions, Tom helps the novice carver bring life to a block of wood. With a single knife Tom carves a relining country figure and teaches the basic methods of...
In this full color, beautiful new work, Judy Ditmer shares her extensive knowledge of bowl turning with the novice turner. Beginning with the preparation and seasoning of the bowl blank, Judy takes the turner step-by-step through the finished product. Along...
House spirits are magical creatures who watch over homes and families. They come in all manner of shapes and sizes. With a keen eye, house spirits can be found almost anywhere in the wood and timbers throughout the home. Tom...
When children ask what Santa does during the rest of the year, you can show them these three sporting Santas. Ron was inspired to design these miniature athletes while anticipating the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. Additional patterns for two of...
In the first book of miniature decorative bird-carving patterns ever published, William Veasey presents intricately detailed designs for the novice carver. This concise practicable guide will help the amateur carver to develop the basic skills necessary to produce his own...
For hopelessly addicted Santa carvers, this wonderful book will spur them to new heights and depths. Here are 60 of Al Streetman’s whimsical, humorous caricature patterns, bringing exciting new dimensions to Santa carving. Al takes the carver step-by-step through the...
Santa Claus, elves, gnomes, wizards. These fanciful characters delight and mesmerize us. All of them are magical creatures, possessing great and wondrous powers. Tom Wolfe has a bit of this magic himself. In his hands a piece of wood, carved...
Fifty years ago, the fountain pen was an expensive, and very personal, prized possession. Once deposed by mass produced ball points, the fountain pen is making an elegant return through the wood turner’s art. Michael Cripps takes the reader through...
The nationally known artist, Beebe Hopper, shows the reader an easy way to paint realistic feathers on carvings of shore birds. Following the instructions, drawings and color photographs in this latest of Beebe Hopper's instructional books, anyone who can hold...
Santa rides again! This highly animated Santa carving depicts the jolly old elf getting more than he bargained for on an off-season fishing expedition. David Sabol demonstrates his traditional wood carving techniques, taking the reader through each step from wood...
This book presents a large-scale project for intarsia enthusiasts -- a lazy lion stretched out in the sun. Detailed, step-by-step instructions will explain how to select varieties of wood, use a pattern, cut and shape pieces, fit them together precisely,...
These four-legged friends of man have been a favorite subject for carving since the earliest years. From hunting dogs to the family pet, dogs have a special place in the hearts of people and Tom Wolfe manages to capture their...
Some years ago Tom wrote a book called Carving the Civil War. The book met with great success, but left a hunger for more. One of the figures in the gallery was a beautiful realistic horse, and it wasn't long...