M. David Egan, graduate of Lafayette College and MIT, is Distinguished Professor of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, as well as professor emeritus at Clemson University, and holds the doctor of laws degree (Honoris Causa). His seven architectural books are available in eight languages. From 1962 to 1964, he served with the US Army in France, where he commanded the 39th Ordnance Co. at Trois-Fontaines (Marne). He is a member of the Society for Military History (SMH) and the Cercle National des Armées, Paris, France.
D. Jean Egan, graduate of Louisiana State University, is an independent scholar. She edited five technical books for architects and engineers, published by McGraw-Hill and Wiley-Interscience. She is a member of MIT's Katharine Dexter McCormick Society, the Society for Military History (SMH), and the Council on America's Military Past (CAMP).
Charles W. Tilley, graduate of Clemson University with a bachelor of science in design and a master's in architecture, is a principal at an award-winning design firm in Richmond, Virginia. He has received the Alice L. Sunday Prize for excellence in graphics, awarded by the AIA Richmond Chapter (Virginia) of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). He illustrated Architectural Acoustics Workbook (2000), available from the Acoustical Society of America.