Imagine you could easily walk away from all your problems. What if you could go outside, take a hike around your neighborhood, and come back knowing exactly what to do? The simple act of walking can take you down the...
Now you can be armed with an easy and fun strategy using astrology that can make your trip a success! With this enlightening, informative book for people interested in the stars, as well as travelers around the world, you can...
With sincere intent, it is possible to heal with spirit! The ancient Chinese called the spirit energy, “chi.” In the nineteenth century, this force was termed the “astral light” by theosophists, “animal magnetism” by Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer, and now...
Discover how to reconnect with nature’s energy and step into better health by grounding. Grounding means tapping into the Earth’s freely available, always accessible, and ever-powerful natural energy to rebalance your body and restore your health. Among its many health...
A powerful 78-card deck which celebrates the power of the Dark Goddess aspect of sacred Feminine and connects ancient wisdom to modern life to unlock the intuitive power that all women possess. Dark . . . as in deep. Dark...
This board game is about you, and when you play it, you will take on the role of the Explorer into your own life and being! Powerful, profound, and fun, the object of this game is to resolve any issue...
This is about YOU. Draw cards to collect insight, gain feedback on any issue of your choosing, and use The Tools to positively change your life. The object is to discover the truth about who you really are, what you...
Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most renowned artists of his day, and, in modern times, his work is recognized worldwide. He is universally acknowledged as a prophetic visionary, who envisioned and created blueprints for many ideas and artifacts...
Whether you’re in need of support, healing, or inspiration, you’ll find it in this deck of 44 exquisitely designed oracle cards. The angels are divine beings of love and light that guide and protect us and assist us with our...
For those who love the holiday classic A Christmas Carol, embark on a journey of discovery through this Dickens-inspired 22-card Majors-only Tarot deck. Visit with interesting ghosts of the season—or any time of year—and connect to the spirit and magic that...