A highly detailed look into the Groom Lake test site known as Area 51, from the early years (circa 1955 to 1969) through to present day Area 51, a top-secret military installation hidden in the desert northwest of Las Vegas, has been...
32 unusual and fascinating extraterrestrial encounters that explores the places and portals between our world and theirs, with illustrated maps for each location (Book 2 of the bestselling Atlas series) Where is the best place to meet kind and peaceful aliens? How...
A collection of UFO sightings and reports by law enforcement officers from around the world, including communication transcripts between dispatchers and patrolmen during UFO sightings Foreword by acclaimed UFO historian Richard M. Dolan UFOs Above the Law is a collection...
A complete history of true early encounters and present-day sightings in New York, including landings, onboard craft experiences, celebrity encounters, and more, researched and written by renowned UFO author and specialist Preston Dennett. New York State is one of the...
20 contemporary true UFO stories in Maine, including numerous sightings from the National UFO Reporting Center and the Mutual UFO Network from 2000 to 2013. Journey through the Pine Tree state to the very cusp of believability and the truly...
60 years of UFO research covering Long Island, New York by investigave reporter Joseph Flammer are captured here, including interviews, sightings, reports, and investigations. Join investigative reporter Joseph Flammer as he examines 60 years of Long Island's “silent alien invasion.”...
Arizona has been a UFO hotspot for more than 100 years. This first-time comprehensive history of extraterrestrial encounters in the Grand Canyon State includes 81 locations that provide a dazzling array of sightings, landings, face-to-face encounters, abductions, and even UFO...
Over 70 Ufology topics across the US are explored, including abductions, chases, mysteries, government involvement, and more, from award-winning reporting and field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), Joseph Flammer. In this collection of terrifying possibilities, follow a New...
The 9 accounts of alien encounters in this book are true. For decades, researchers have been investigating the UFO phenomena across the globe, and have acknowledged the extraterrestrial reality and that alien encounters are very real and widespread, oftentimes the...
Over 250 UFO sightings by unimpeachable sources that cannot be explained away as misidentification or natural phenomenon. Take an in-depth look at the U.S. Government’s conspiracy to hide UFO phenomena from the public eye since 1947. Read more than 250...
A first-of-its-kind study regarding two different categories of extraterrestrial visitors to this planet, conducted by French researcher and physicist Dr. Daniel Harran. You may be astounded to learn that UFOs and extraterrestrial beings have been visiting Earth regularly for ages—but...
UFO research in the twentieth century was a daunting enterprise, fraught with misidentifications, blurry photos, and fraud. Now, with millions of drones in our skies and superb computer graphics, the twenty-first century threatens to overwhelm ufology with insurmountable trickery and...
Over 65 contemporary UFO stories from 48 areas in South Carolina from UFO researcher Sherman Carmichale, including eyewitness accounts, personal interviews, and more. Accounts of hovering objects and strange lights in the sky are reported daily all across America. South...
A complete 130-year history of UFO activity in New Mexico, including sightings, landings, UFO car chases, face-to-face encounters, abductions, and UFO crashes. With more than 130 years of UFO activity, New Mexico has produced some of the world’s most famous...
UFO sightings and information from the late 1800s to present day in Nevada, including a complete history, eyewitness testimony, new cases, and startling photographs, from UFO investigator Preston Dennett. Nevada has been a UFO hotspot for more than 100 years....
UFO encounters in Colorado from the early 1900s through contemporary times—Includes onboard UFO experiences, landings, humanoids, crashes, and mutilations. Colorado has been a UFO hotspot for more than 100 years. This is the first book to present a comprehensive history...
[AuthorName]By Preston Dennett[/AuthorName][AuthorBio]Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986, when he discovered that his family, friends, and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. He has written many books and more than 100 articles about UFOs and the...
22 UFO and alien encounter contemporary stories covering Pennsylvania, from incidents range from flying globes and “beings of light”, to alien abduction, and more. Alien abductions, wild, silent spacecrafts, and magical extraterrestrial technology all come together through eyewitness accounts in...
Discover how to bring memories of a UFO sighting, alien abduction, or contactee experience to the light of day via a visualization technique that will allow you to revisit abduction incidents. Discover if you've had an encounter, but have forgotten...
A comprehensive perspective of evidence and future directions associated with the UFO phenomenon—Includes review and analysis of studies, evidence, theories, and research needs involving UFO topics. Should you believe in UFOs? If you question why the subject of UFOs should...
Over 10 important UFO sightings across the world, including Roswell, Rendelsham, and more.There are specific UFO cases for which everyone should have a basic knowledge. Over 10 of these most important sightings and topics, occurring since 1945, model history with...
26 contemporary New Jersey related UFO stories with eyewitness accounts, including alien abduction, UFO crafts, hybrid relationships, implants, and more. Discover "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind" (human-initiated, conscious, and voluntary alien contact), hybrid relationships, near mid-air collisions with alien...
Stories about UFOs witnessed by military personnel during the 64-year “campaign of lies”, including specific military reactions to the UFO phenomena since 1947. This collection of UFO reports from pilots, astronauts, and other government officials, compiled by Dr. Stephen Cox,...
Are we alone in the universe? Is there intelligent life among the stars? Have we been visited by beings from other dimensions? Are UFOs real? Are they abducting people? Take a look at the UFO phenomenon from the earliest recorded...