Antiques & Collectibles-Schiffer



A detailed, illustrated history of America's Harmony Guitar Company, covering Rockets, Stratotones, Rebels, Sovereigns, Stellas, basses, and other Harmony instruments. The American-made instruments from the Harmony Guitar Company receive long-overdue recognition and credit in this volume through detailed text, color photographs, and...

The Gentleman's Pocket Knife


As elegant as they are practical, pocket knives have long been considered essential equipment for a gentleman. No cleverly programmed app is able to open blister packages, peel a pear, or cut off a thread hanging from a seam. Revealed...

Collector's Guide to the Balmat Mining District


The Balmat Mining District in southern St. Lawrence County, New York, is a former mining site known among collectors for its highly prized minerals. For more than 100 years, it was one of the world's most important sources of talc...

The Unofficial Guide to Vintage Transformers


A visual showcase of hundreds of Transformers toys and action figures in and out of packaging, rarely seen variants, international releases, and licensed merchandise. For many years, the Transformers have been a staple of pop culture. As new and old...

Collector's Guide to Silicates


This book explains the structural relationships among di- and ring silicate minerals, known for their hardness and brilliant colors, and the geological conditions that create the beautiful crystals prized by collectors. The minerals are arranged systematically to emphasize how they...

A Tea Caddy Collection


Through photographs and anecdotes, Broadway author and director Mark Bramble presents the vast collection of antique tea caddies he and his late mother assembled over more than 5 decades of collecting. Explore the historical and societal atmospheres that engendered such...

This Day in Collecting History


A calendar year's worth of historical events are presented along with auctions of related collectibles in this fun and informative compilation. The day-by-day historical entries and corresponding sales are arranged chronologically from January 1 to December 31. Many of the...

Saddleries of Montana


This one-of-a-kind resource covers the saddleries of Montana Territory and State over the period from approximately the 1860s through 1940. Learn about the fascinating societal impact of nearly 200 prominent and lesser-known saddleries, brought to life with 545 photos and...

Compendium of Automatic Morse Code


Trace the evolution of automatic Morse code devices from the early 1800s to today through this informative text and over 1,100 photos. Beginning with an overview of telegraphy and early key history, fifteen sections explore the equipment used to send messages over long distances. Featured are code...

Aurora Model Kits


Hollywood movie monsters are enduring pop culture standards. Kids and adults around the world recognize Frankenstein, Dracula, the Wolf Man, and the Mummy. Although monsters are Aurora’s most famous products, the company created model kits of all varieties, including historic...

Collector's Guide to Silicates


The definitive resource for mineral collectors, this comprehensive book describes the structural relationships among orthosilicate minerals, known for their hardness and brilliant colors, and the geological conditions that create prized specimens. It is illustrated with nearly 500 structure diagrams, color...

Collector's Guide to the Black Tourmaline of Pierrepont, New York


Since its discovery by a teenager in 1859, thousands of specimens of lustrous black tourmaline crystals from Pierrepont, New York, have found their way into both museum and private mineral collections worldwide. Pierrepont is a classic American mineral locality and...

Bizarre & Outlandish Gadgets & Doohickeys


Hundreds of 19th- and 20th-century curiosities and contraptions are catalogued in this amusing assembly of more than 1,000 images. The days from the first Great Industrial Exhibition of 1851 to the post-WWII Festival of Britain saw rapid technological advancement throughout the United Kingdom and elsewhere, and countless numbers of products, from the...

Amazing Toys of Marvin Glass


Throwback enthusiasts will enjoy this walk on the colorful side of a 1960s and 1970s childhood. During this period the toy industry exploded with an infusion of bright, zany playthings for kids, and Marvin Glass's revolutionary toy designs helped shape...

Timeless Beauty


A presentation of more than 200 magnificent works of art by Louis Comfort Tiffany in the collection at The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art, Winter Park, Florida. American artist Louis Comfort Tiffany is most famous for his revolutionary...

The Complete & Unauthorized Guide to Vintage Barbie® Dolls


An indispensable resource catering to enthusiasts and collectors of Barbie®, this extensively updated and enhanced edition presents a wealth of new visuals and meticulously updated price points, all encapsulated within a conveniently portable format. Spanning across more than 1,200 exquisite...

The Book of Great American Firecrackers


Including 183 color and black-and-white images of vintage photos and packaging, plus values for American firecracker collectibles, this is the first book to focus on US firecrackers. Many pyrobilia guides cover Chinese firecrackers, but the US's history is just as...

Catholic Collectibles


A guide to the history and value of Catholic collectibles, most from 1800 through the 1900s. Rosaries, medals, crosses and crucifixes, representations of saints and holy people, and more are presented through more than 400 pictures and text. Catholic religious...

Homestead Glass Works


The glassware made by Bryce, Higbee & Company of Pittsburgh is known for its beauty and quality, yet is misunderstood by even the most knowledgeable collectors. Using original sources, this definitive resource shatters many myths and corrects misconceptions that have...

Collector's Guide to Texas Cretaceous Echinoids


Texas is known worldwide as a rich resource for the intricate Cretaceous-age echinoids widely sought by professional and amateur paleontologists. With much of the scientific literature on Texas Cretaceous echinoids decades old, here is an updated and detailed guide for...

Contemporary Sailors' Valentines


Here are new, contemporary perspectives on a craft from the 1800s, including eighteen top artists' insights about Sailors' Valentines plus more than 300 photos of their exquisite work. This collection shows how the once-obscure Victorian-era craft has gained its steadily-increasing...

50 Landmark Cameras That Changed Photography


The Daguerreotype Camera of 1839 is a photographic landmark. It introduced the first practical method for taking a photograph, although what is generally acknowledged as the first photograph was actually taken thirteen years before with a different type of camera...

Mineralogy of Uranium and Thorium


For students of geology, this book offers a systematic overview of uranium and thorium minerals, which are known for their intense ultraviolet fluorescence and are  critically important as our source of nuclear energy. Learn about the geochemical conditions that produce...

Antique Mining Equipment and Collectibles


Mining's dramatic and dangerous nature is reflected in the hundreds of specialized tools and artifacts shown in over 500 color photographs and discussed in this revised and expanded second edition with updated pricing. Thirty categories, from advertising and assay equipment...

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