An exhaustive guide to the handgun models produced at the Erfurter Maschinenfabrik. Volume 2 of a monumental three-part illustrated history of ERMA, the Erfurter Maschinenfabrik. ERMA is best known for production of German small arms during the Second World War,...
ERMA's corporate history from 1924 to 2003, and a detailed illustrated guide to the rifle and shotgun models produced by ERMA. Volume 1 of a monumental three-part illustrated history of ERMA, the Erfurter Maschinenfabrik. ERMA is best known for production...
The must-have reference on the submachine guns produced at the Erfurter Maschinenfabrik. Volume 3 of a monumental three-part illustrated history of ERMA, the Erfurter Maschinenfabrik. ERMA is best known for production of German small arms during the Second World War,...